Monday, August 22, 2005

art attack

ATCs are practically shooting out of my fingertips! Also, started on some pendants... trying to be disciplined and work step-by-step. Lord, that is hard for me! But, they are coming along nicely and now that I have the mid-November show to prepare for, I should be able to focus and churn them out.
Too bad life has to get in the way of art stuff...
Still finding little time to write. So hard to find a quiet moment. It's so difficult to hold onto a thought when kids, chores, etc... are constantly needing attention. So, I scribble on scraps as always and sometimes manage to fill in the blanks.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Hot as a griddle. Big surprise, huh? Texas? Hot in August? NO WAY!
Can't find a second of quiet to write. Kids go back to school on Monday... poor tikes... but than I can maybe have a cohesive thought. No promises...
Made a minute's worth of art last night. Felt good. I am wanting to paint... and make jewelry... no time. My head is chock-full-o-ideas... That's a good thing, though the housework tends to suffer.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

beach walk

I glorify my small struggles,
picture them swirling,
epic seas with tidal pulls.
I think I own the constellations
that scatter at the storm's approach,
imagine my eager heart churns
the brine and whips the winds
that gather filled with threats and thunder.

This whole life I have touched broken things,
leaned down to pick them up
beneath the briar bushes-
not brave, just untamed,
embracing my tiny rebellions.

When I am distilled,
my bones bleached
as white as the sand I treasure,
my little hurricane will go unnamed.
The sea will swallow the torn boards
and tumble the shards I leave.
Across the ocean another woman
will gather a sliver of smooth green glass
and lay it on her windowsill.

the path is strewn with...

... all sorts of wonders and perils.


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